Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Results Usability Test: Right Click

Here's a quick update on the usability test on right click functionality in Hippo CMS 7.
The results show that roughly 2/3 of the participants would like to see right click functionality in the CMS.
Many participants mentioned that right clicking would be good, but should not be the only way to reach certain actions; right clicking should be additional / redundant interaction.

I would also like to point out that I suspect the participant group to be largely developers, thus real power users. I think actual CMS users will be less technical oriented and thus have a lower 'expectancy' for right clicking in a web interface.

So a premature conclusion from this test is that users tend to be ready for right clicking in a web interface, but that it is still to early to use it as sole interaction pattern.

Note: the test is still running. So if you are a Hippo CMS user, let us know what you think about right mouse clicking in a CMS interface? Please vote on http://usabilla.com/rate/7772163384c9c


  1. Curious... How many responses did you get?

  2. 30 participants at the moment of publishing the post. Test is still open, so I hope to get some more ;-)
